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Benton County Arrest Records

In Benton County, law enforcement may arrest a person if there is reasonable cause to believe the person committed a crime (A.R. Code § 16-81-106). Following an arrest, the individual is taken into custody and booked. At this stage, the suspect's personal information is collected, and details of the arrest are recorded.

Arrest records are created and maintained by the arresting agency; this is the Benton County Sheriff's Office for arrests conducted in Benton County. Arrest records are typically obtained for personal, legal, or employment-related purposes. However, they are only one of several documents created when a person moves through the criminal justice system; other records include Benton County Court Records.

Are Arrest Records Public in Benton County?

Yes. According to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), arrest records are available upon request. However, information contained in arrest records may be restricted from public disclosure by court order or state laws. These exemptions typically cover:

  • Information that may reveal the personal identities of law enforcement officers working undercover with other agencies
  • Files containing personal records, of which disclosure may cause an invasion of personal privacy or may be detrimental to public safety.
  • Information that may identify the victim in sensitive cases (e.g., human trafficking and sexual assault)
  • Information on juvenile offenders.

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

Information that can be found in a typical arrest record includes the following:

  • The arrestee's name, age, date of birth, and physical description
  • Arrest details such as the date, time, location, and charges of the arrest charges
  • Name and location of the arresting officer
  • Booking time, date, and I.D.
  • Past arrests and outstanding warrants
  • Bond/bail conditions.

Benton County Crime Rate

According to the Arkansas Crime Information Center, the most recent crime data in 2023 was divided into crimes against persons, property (A and B), and society. Benton County Sheriff's Office reported 3096 crimes against persons in 2023, including intimidation (1,025), aggravated assault (612), and simple assault (1,106).

Meanwhile, the subtotal for the 'crimes against property' section was 5321, including burglary (465), vandalism (872), fraud (343), larceny (1,259), shoplifting (502), and motor vehicle theft (445). The number of offenses in the 'crimes against society' category was 3,346. This included drug violations (1,774), drug equipment violations (1,331), and weapon law violations (129). Month-by-month crime statistics for Benton County are also available through the Benton County Sheriff's Office.

Benton County Arrest Statistics

The Arkansas Crime Information Center also compiles arrest information from the county police departments and other law enforcement agencies in various cities within the County.

According to the Arrest by Contributor report in 2023, law enforcement made 1,419 arrests for 'crimes against persons,' including 1,202 adult arrests and 217 juvenile arrests. The number of arrests in the 'crimes against property section was 1197, including 975 adult arrests and 151 juvenile arrests. The number of arrests in the 'crimes against society' category was 2,013, including 1,803 adult arrests and 210 juvenile arrests.

Find Benton County Arrest Records

The Records Division of the Benton County Sheriff's Office processes requests for arrest records. Interested persons may access arrest information by sending requests online or visiting the Sheriff's Office.

Benton County Sheriff's Office
1300 SW 14th Street
Bentonville, AR 72712.

When searching online, the requester must enter a full name, mailing/physical address, record type, time, location, and date of incident before submitting the request. The office charges $10 for each copy. The Benton County Sheriff's Office also provides an inmate roster with current and recent arrest information. To search the roster, provide the subject's full name and other details to filter the search, e.g., race, sex, arrest date, release date, and the agency in charge.

Free Arrest Record Search in Benton County

Visit the official website of the Benton County Sheriff's Office to obtain free records on arrested persons in Benton County. The inmate roster allows individuals to search arrest records by name, arrest date, release date, and holding agency.

It is possible to retrieve arrest information on detainees for free using online sites not owned by the government. Although the information on these websites may be inaccurate, they are easier to use and can provide useful information for research. When using search tools on these sites, requesters may need to provide names, ages, dates, and the accurate County of arrest.

Get Benton County Criminal Records

Criminal records is a collection of a person's contacts or involvement with the criminal justice system. This includes contact with authorized law enforcement agencies and the courts and may include arrests, detentions, and convictions. It is also known as a criminal history report or rap sheet.

The Arkansas Department of Public Safety is the custodian of criminal records. Interested persons may perform a criminal history search for non-official purposes or a background check for official purposes. Both services are available online. A criminal history search costs $24 per search while background checks cost $22 per search. Payment is due at the time of request. For additional information, contact the D.P.S. at:

Arkansas Department of Public Safety
One State Police Plaza Drive
Little Rock, AR 72209
Phone: (501) 618-8000

Benton County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

In Benton County, an arrest record is a document that provides an account of a person's arrest and reasons for the arrestee's detainment. They also contain details of the offense and how the arrestee was apprehended. An arrest record is not proof that one is guilty of a crime and is never enough to hold up a charge.

Criminal records contain criminal information gathered by law enforcement agencies, trials, appellate courts, and correctional facilities in Benton County. These records contain several items of personal information, including details on arrests, criminal appeals, trials, and the subject's past criminal convictions. As such, the information in criminal records may be used as proof of guilt as adjudicated by a court.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

It depends. In Arkansas, there is no exact rule on how long an arrest may remain on a person's record. For example, juvenile records of felony violence may remain for ten years after the last guilty plea before they can be destroyed (A.C.A. 9-27-309. (1)(A)). However, any adult arrest that leads to a conviction will stay on a person's record until it is sealed or expunged.

Expunge Benton County Arrest Records

A person can apply to seal arrest records, a.k.a. expungement of adult criminal records in Arkansas. Expungement applies to arrest without charges for a year, misdemeanors, and nonviolent class C or D felonies.

Furthermore, the petitioner must be eligible under the following stipulations:

  • Completed sentences, payment of restitution, court fees, and reinstatement fees applicable to be eligible for the sealing process
  • Charged with an offense that was dismissed
  • Acquitted at trial.

Some crimes may require a five-year waiting period after completion of the sentence to be eligible for record sealing, including:

  • A DUI
  • 3rd-degree battery
  • A violent class C or D felony
  • Indecent exposure
  • Public sexual inappropriateness.

A person eligible to expunge an arrest record can file a petition to seal the record. Per Arkansas Legislature, Act 1460, criminal defendants convicted of a misdemeanor offense may petition the court to seal their conviction under certain circumstances. The individual must file the petition and the Order to Seal in Benton County Circuit Court where the case was adjudicated. The Arkansas Crime Information Center (ACIC) provides a petition to seal arrest forms for crimes across the County.

After properly completing and filing the petition to seal an arrest record, a copy will be sent to the prosecutor and the arresting agency. The court may grant the petition without a hearing if no one is opposed to it. If the judge approves the sealing of the arrest record, the uniform order to seal should be filed with the Benton County Circuit Clerk. The clerk will send copies to the prosecutor, arresting agency, ACIC, and Administrative Office of the Courts. The Circuit Clerk will draw all legal documents of the case in a separate area in the clerk's office.

Benton County Arrest Warrants

Arrest warrants are legal documents that permit the arrest of a person. This type of warrant is only issued by a court judge to a police officer or other municipal law enforcement officers based on a person having committed a crime.

The court may issue an arrest warrant when a complaint and a supporting affidavit have been properly filed. A judge will review the complaint and evidence submitted and, if satisfied, approve the arrest warrant. The facts stated on the warrant must be sufficient to establish reasonable cause to arrest the suspect.

An arrest warrant contains:

  • The name of the suspect.
  • The type of offense.
  • The time the warrant was signed by the judge.

It also specifies whether the offense is bailable and the bond amount.

Benton County Arrest Warrant Search

Interested persons can find active warrants online at the Benton County Sheriff's Office. The office displays a list of active warrants stating the arrestee's name, age, and offense. For convenience, the requester may 'search by name.':

Do Benton County Arrest Warrants Expire?

No. An arrest warrant remains active until the person is taken into custody, appears in court, or dies. There is no specific date for warrant expiration. However, there are cases where an arrest warrant can become invalid. For instance, if the warrant is for a different person, the suspect may be able to prevent an arrest by stating the mistake to the officer. Such a mistake can nullify the purpose of the warrant.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!